If the Justice League Snyder Cut does release, that would mean a lot more for the DC Extended Universe than casual movie fans might think.
The Justice League Snyder Cut could set Zack Snyder's DCEU story back on course. A fact that has become clear since Justice League's theatrical release in 2017 is that the movie's extensive overhaul after Snyder's departure not only derailed the film itself off of its intended course, but his further plans for the franchise were also left on ice. On top of that, Ben Affleck would vacate the role of Batman, while Henry Cavill's future as Superman could go either way.
At the same time, the topic of Zack Snyder's Justice League and whether or not it will ultimately release continues to grow, particularly in recent days. Snyder is set to do a livestream director's commentary for Man of Steel on May 20 at 8 am PST through Vero, similar to his March commentary for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Accompanying this are rumors from multiple outlets that he could be officially announcing the release of the Snyder Cut. This has also been followed by the unexpected emergence of a Justice League-centered HBO Max billboard, along with Jason Momoa reaffirming his support for it on social media (with Snyder himself sharing Momoa's video on Vero).
On top of all this, Snyder's announcement of the Man of Steel commentary included the hashtag #PausedNotStopped, which has led to speculation that the completion of Snyder's planned five-movie arc could be in the cards. The collection of recent events begs the question of what the larger effects of his Justice League movie releasing could ultimately be. It could snowball and result in cut storylines being added back in either through other director's cuts, deleted scenes, or a general movement forward with Snyder's plan.
The project that would most directly benefit from the Snyder Cut's release would be the Ayer Cut of Suicide Squad, with the precedent the Snyder Cut would set opening the door for Ayer's movie to be released. Beyond that, the planned Justice League 2 and Justice League 3 could also hypothetically be revived along with Ben Affleck's Batman solo movie, with HBO Max being the likely home for them and the Snyder Cut. In the case of the latter three, it must be stated upfront that they remain a long shot, owing to complications from Affleck's departure (though he too has publicly supported the Snyder Cut's release), Cavill's contractual limbo, and other factors.
However, that such a scenario can now even be entertained shows just how unique the Snyder Cut situation really is. The fact of the matter is that the Justice League Snyder Cut being released would be the definition of a Hollywood game-changer, and there is now enough noise around it to indicate that the effects wouldn't end with Snyder's version seeing the light of day. It's no secret that Snyder's plans for the DCEU were sidelined in 2016 and 2017, and now, movies produced through DC Films aren't as connected as they once were. A Snyder Cut release could potentially change all that by re-introducing elements - such as Darkseid, Martian Manhunter, and more - into future DCEU movies. Snyder wouldn't need to return, but his story could live on.

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