Ever since Sai Pallavi, wearing a grey sari and a red blouse, raised her eyebrows ever so slightly to say “Malar” in Alphonse Puthiran’s Malayalam blockbuster Premam, co-starring Nivin Pauly, the audience has doted on the actor. After a long time, many saw a girl who looked like any of us on screen. And then, one hour and six minutes into the movie, everyone saw Pallavi for the fabulous dancer she is. If you’ve watched the film, you may recall the joy you experienced when Pallavi, hitherto seen as a demure teacher, showcased an utterly graceful ‘break dance’ to her bemused, awestruck students.
She could have gone on to act in Kali with Dulquer Salmaan, charmed the Telugu audience with Fidaa, and won fans world over for her ‘Rowdy Baby’ in Maari 2, but for most, it is difficult to ever separate Sai Pallavi from ‘Malar teacher.’
Two new films all Pallavi fans can look forward to this year are Virata Parvam, and Love Story in Telugu. The first, directed by Venu Udugula, also stars Rana Daggubati and Nandita Das, and is said to be based on the Naxal movement. Love Story, on the other hand, sees Pallavi reunite with Fidaa director Sekhar Kammula, and she works with Naga Chaitanya in this romantic tale, whose teaser has already gone viral. “My films demand different things of me, but what I like most is that they also help me confront certain things within me, and help me stay in touch with my inner self. I’d like to believe that’s why people connect with the characters,” says Pallavi.
1.premam (2015)
2.kali (2016)
4.athiran (2018)
5.mari (2019)
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